Motorists can check conditions on more than 40,000 roadway miles in Pennsylvania by clicking here: 511PA
511PA, is free and available 24 hours a day, provides traffic delay warnings, weather forecasts, traffic speed information and access to more than 860 traffic cameras.
Report problems related to roads to the Township main office via email or phone. We appreciate the help in identifying downed trees, damaged/missing signs, etc. The sooner we know, the sooner we can respond.
In 2014 Union Township entered into an Intermunicipal Cooperation Agreement for the utilization of Municipal Equipment with Brecknock Twp, Robeson Twp and Birdsboro Boro. This agreement allows valuable equipment to be used between Municipalities, which increases efficiency and effectiveness in providing public services. Below are pictures of Brecknock Twp. assisting with the milling & patching on Geigertown, Crusher and Shed Roads.

Snow Plowing Hallman Rd
Snow Plowing Crusher Rd
2024 Replacing Culvert Pipes on Geigertown Road